I was expecting something properly controversial here with all that fuss, instead I saw the safest, perhaps most unoriginal way of making fun of the Nazis. Scarlett Johansson's character, with a perception that's clearly modern and new, is completely out of place. The entire Nazi environment depicted in the film was made up purely of the writer's tabloid, superficial (mis)understandings of Nazism. Filled with hackneyed symbolism and plain kitsch, there's absolutely nothing bold or adventurous in this film (the only 'good' nazi has to be a gay, how surprising). Anyone who says this film works against political correctness doesn't know the first thing about contemporary politics.
出乎意料的好看看到三十集的时候 她一個勁兒的問我:「钟馗伏魔迅雷下载」TVB最拿手的剧集题材律政、警匪、爭家產這部劇一口氣就佔了兩個遺產律師 也算是律政劇裏比較有新意的一部你們都只看陳豪和黎耀祥兩大視帝飆戲 你們都沒有發現我的小甜心王浩信的演技嗎!! 小甜心演得好棒啊 簡直把一個淫賤的富二代演活了
jodie foster演技是毋庸置疑的虽然喘气声还是那么大而且竟然还是天蝎座我还是飘走好了我将记忆最深的应该是Elly穿过一个个worm hole看见了无法用言语形容的breathtaking的景象之后说的那句 they should have sent a poet