# 峨影三宅唱影展 三人好似生活在城市的鸟儿整天没有要紧的事儿在pub任心绪翱翔在清晨的街头短暂栖息与鸟儿一样它们处在城市“空间”的边缘歌唱是它们对生活态度的表达以轻盈对抗繁重以无欲无求对抗机械内卷导演说重要的是they can sing当然这是个人的选择问题古墓凶铃不能一概而论 “我”以为分手后就能像空气一样轻盈纯净自由但转过身依然成为爱的俘虏结尾太妙 电影的元素设计很多如t恤前后两段“我”在不同心情下的相同行为声音等等 电影很喜欢三宅唱人也很好翻译无力时还会补充哈哈不过一些观众的提问就emmm了装比&哗众取宠
The first half is extremely sloppy, dull, and overlong. There’re some terrible dialogues and sequences that I don’t know if are intentionally hilarious. Lawrence in this part is a totally uninteresting archetypical character and many sequences are just repeating his personalities over and over. Luckily the story turns out to be engaging and something I really can start to care since the second half of the film. The political plays in this part are some of the best I’ve ever seen. Characters really start to develop and become complex. The film becomes way more enjoyable as conflicts intensify. The cinematography is beautiful and the actors’ performances are great throughout nevertheless